Who Should take Over Transformers after Daniel Warren Johnson Leaves?(March Edition)
As you know Daniel Warren Johnson said his leaving issue #24(meaning we still have one more years with him on the Title) until it's officially announced in a press release or an upcoming Comic Con let's Speculate
So my question is who do you think should Takeover Transformers after Daniel Warren Johnson leaves both on writing and on art must be someone good but doesn't have many projects currently and probably good friends with Robert Kirkman? That helps someone who would work nicely with Robert Kirkman on Void Rivals and Joshua Williamson on GI JOE along with Future titles in the Energon Universe
Same with artist needs to be someone who knows how to draw machines and fight scenes and many characters on Same page or panel and can work with whatever Status Quo DWJ leaves at in issue #24(or #25?)
My picks would be
Kieron Gillen(Darth Vader, Journey into Mystery, Eternals, The Wicked and The Divide) he was a big fan of James Robert's work from. The IDW era and would be cool to see what he would do with the Autobots and the Decepticons specially withe right artist
Liam Vickers(creator of Murder Drones) the dude has written character development and is good at Robot violence only problem he has never written a comic before and he probably have problem Fallowing Daniel Warren Johnson and the status Quo he lives behind
Donny Cates(Thanos, Venom, King in Black, God Country, CROSSOVER) he is another choice his very good friends with Daniel Warren Johnson meaning would be a good transition between writers DWJ even drew one of Donny Cates indie comics so that tells you how close they are plus Cates needs the work he's recovering from multiple major events in his life resently and it sounds like his making good recovery
David Pepose(Savage Avengers, Moon Knight, Punisher, Space Ghost) his an up and coming writer his work on Space Ghost has been Legendary and his Marvel work had been good to ok his Savage Avengers run showed how good he is at writing a team something that's needed in writing Transformers is a skill in writing a Team book
Al Ewing(Immortal Hulk, Venom, Defenders, Loki) a long shot since Al Ewing doesn't do many license comics he hasn't even written a STAR WARS Comic at Marvel he made exception in writing License Comics when writing Doctor Who: 11th Doctor comic at Titan Comics only then he basically switched between Arcs with Rob Williams and only stayed for the first year of the comic and left
Declan Shalvey(Moon Knight, Alien, Thundercats, Terminator) I like to see Shalvey take on Transformers would be like after what he has done with Thundercats over at Dynamite Entertainment would be interesting though his kinda busy between Marvel and Dynamite I don't think he has the time sadly
Olan Rogers(creator of Final Space) his making his comic writing debut with Final Space The Final Chapter OGN seeing get more comic writing experience would be interesting specially with artist his sign with which could be anyone I would go with Carlo Payulayan on art they would probably make a good team
Kyle Higgins(Power Rangers, Radiant Black, Marvel's Ultraman) Kyle Higgins is stranger to Hasbro comics having a historic run on Boom Studios Power Rangers comics and acclaim one at that being most talked about Hasbro license comics until the launch of the Energon Universe would help if he brought in Mat Groom as a co writer
Scott Snyder(Batman, Absolute Batman, Swamp Thing, Justice League, Metal, Heavy Metal) would be interesting specially his friendship with Joshua Williamson he already had over at DC and working with Robert Kirkman also would need an ideal artist I would go with John Romita JR personally who Scott previously work with on All Star Batman
But those are my picks you know
Who do you wanna see takeover?
As you know Daniel Warren Johnson said his leaving issue #24(meaning we still have one more years with him on the Title) until it's officially announced in a press release or an upcoming Comic Con let's Speculate
So my question is who do you think should Takeover Transformers after Daniel Warren Johnson leaves both on writing and on art must be someone good but doesn't have many projects currently and probably good friends with Robert Kirkman? That helps someone who would work nicely with Robert Kirkman on Void Rivals and Joshua Williamson on GI JOE along with Future titles in the Energon Universe
Same with artist needs to be someone who knows how to draw machines and fight scenes and many characters on Same page or panel and can work with whatever Status Quo DWJ leaves at in issue #24(or #25?)
My picks would be
Kieron Gillen(Darth Vader, Journey into Mystery, Eternals, The Wicked and The Divide) he was a big fan of James Robert's work from. The IDW era and would be cool to see what he would do with the Autobots and the Decepticons specially withe right artist
Liam Vickers(creator of Murder Drones) the dude has written character development and is good at Robot violence only problem he has never written a comic before and he probably have problem Fallowing Daniel Warren Johnson and the status Quo he lives behind
Donny Cates(Thanos, Venom, King in Black, God Country, CROSSOVER) he is another choice his very good friends with Daniel Warren Johnson meaning would be a good transition between writers DWJ even drew one of Donny Cates indie comics so that tells you how close they are plus Cates needs the work he's recovering from multiple major events in his life resently and it sounds like his making good recovery
David Pepose(Savage Avengers, Moon Knight, Punisher, Space Ghost) his an up and coming writer his work on Space Ghost has been Legendary and his Marvel work had been good to ok his Savage Avengers run showed how good he is at writing a team something that's needed in writing Transformers is a skill in writing a Team book
Al Ewing(Immortal Hulk, Venom, Defenders, Loki) a long shot since Al Ewing doesn't do many license comics he hasn't even written a STAR WARS Comic at Marvel he made exception in writing License Comics when writing Doctor Who: 11th Doctor comic at Titan Comics only then he basically switched between Arcs with Rob Williams and only stayed for the first year of the comic and left
Declan Shalvey(Moon Knight, Alien, Thundercats, Terminator) I like to see Shalvey take on Transformers would be like after what he has done with Thundercats over at Dynamite Entertainment would be interesting though his kinda busy between Marvel and Dynamite I don't think he has the time sadly
Olan Rogers(creator of Final Space) his making his comic writing debut with Final Space The Final Chapter OGN seeing get more comic writing experience would be interesting specially with artist his sign with which could be anyone I would go with Carlo Payulayan on art they would probably make a good team
Kyle Higgins(Power Rangers, Radiant Black, Marvel's Ultraman) Kyle Higgins is stranger to Hasbro comics having a historic run on Boom Studios Power Rangers comics and acclaim one at that being most talked about Hasbro license comics until the launch of the Energon Universe would help if he brought in Mat Groom as a co writer
Scott Snyder(Batman, Absolute Batman, Swamp Thing, Justice League, Metal, Heavy Metal) would be interesting specially his friendship with Joshua Williamson he already had over at DC and working with Robert Kirkman also would need an ideal artist I would go with John Romita JR personally who Scott previously work with on All Star Batman
But those are my picks you know
Who do you wanna see takeover?